Monday, May 21, 2012

Pre-K Graduation

Today Summy and Jack graduated from pre-k. They sang songs, they got a "diploma," It was wonderful. It amazes me every day how far they have come.


Sunday, May 20, 2012

Thank you Apple

Jack bought an iPod from a garage sale yesterday for .50. The lady warned us it might be broken. He was so excited he clipped it to his collar and carried around with him everywhere. When he went to bed, he wrapped it in a blanket, to "keep it warm" of course. 

He woke up at 6 a.m. this morning asking if the "crunch apple" store was open. When the mall finally opened, we took it to the Apple store, they tried to charge it, but it was broken. This is where the amazing part comes in: they gave Jack another for free! They were all so touched by how excited he was and how much he loved it. What customer service!

On a side note, the man helping us asked if Jack was a preemie. We had a great conversation about his now 15 year old daughter who was born 2 months early like S+J.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

5 months old

Truman was 5 months old Sunday. I cannot believe how big he is, how sweet, how...un-baby he has become already. How did that happen so fast? He loves to laugh and loves to be tickled, to play peek-a-boo and to watch his brothers with an amazement I have never seen. In his eyes the reflection of them is perfect. He loves them so much it surprises me.

He has found his feet and loves to hold them. He constantly has his hand or fingers in his mouth. He loves to verbalize. He weighed 15.15 pounds when I weighed him a week ago.

He still loves the bouncy seat on vibrate to fall asleep. He sleeps well through the night and takes lots of naps during the day. He's nursing really well now, and he's already moving up another diaper size. I cannot believe how fast he is moving through clothing sizes!

He is a light in our lives and a great kid.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

sad truth

I read this post and it spoke to me. It is so true. And something I have been thinking about a lot lately as well. On this Mothers Day I have a lot to be thankful for. I have got to do better about not missing my kids' childhood.


Thursday, May 03, 2012

can I have your attention, please?

We just got back from Jack's neuropsych appointment. After a lot of testing, Jack was diagnosed with:

Developmental Coordination Disorder
ADHD (inattentive subtype) with sluggish cognitive tempo
Hypertonia (low muscle tone)

Along with his previous diagnosis of SPD. Jack is an alphabet soup.

We discussed medication. I will not lie, it scares the crap out of me. I have seen children on meds who look like zombies. They obsess. Plus, he explained that a side effect can be loss of appetite. Jack doesn't have any weight to lose. So I am still digesting, and I am hoping that I will know what to do about medicating or not medicating. I just love Jack and I want to help him to be able to be the best kid he can be. I also want him to be able to focus and learn in school. Medication scares me.

Anyone out there have advice or thoughts about meds?

On a side note, he felt much of this was from the traumatic birth.

Tuesday, May 01, 2012

roll over...

I just have to record this so I don't forget....

Today Truman rolled over from belly to back!