Wednesday, March 23, 2011

brotherly love

Sometimes I cannot image being a twin. Here's a few really grainy but sweet pictures I took of the boys after their bath the other night. They were swinging together on their swing.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

so proud

Summy called me into the kitchen the other day because he was so excited that he had written his name on the fridge. I told him "great job" to which he replied,

"go and get your camera!"

Clearly that is a sign I take too many pictures!

Before I could take it, he insisted that he add his brother's name as well.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

haircut trauma

Today I gave the boys haircuts and the evening ended up with me in tears. Sometimes it is so hard to have kids with sensory processing disorder because I feel pain when I see them so upset. I know it is irrational, but I feel like it's my fault, and I am causing the pain. There's just no easy way to cut their hair. It's been something we have struggled with since they were little.

I started out cutting Summy's hair, and he was hysterical about 5 minutes in. He kept trying to grab the scissors and bend his head, which scares me to death that I might accidentally hurt him. By the time I got to the back (his least favorite part) he was totally out of control and sobbing. He kept saying "I am so scared! I am so overwhelmed." My heart hurt.

Then Jack. More tears. Not as bad as Summy, but Summy was taking a break on the couch. (And still not done!) So I moved back to him and we tried bribing him with oreos, a special seat, etc, etc. He jerked his head at one point and now has a giant chunk missing from the back.

I would have, about thirty times during the ordeal, given one of my limbs to make it not hurt them. I know it caused them physical pain even though I wasn't "hurting" them. Sometimes being mommy hurts a lot. I hate haircuts.

Friday, March 11, 2011

there I went, disappearing again!

Somewhere between full time work, full time school, student teaching while working and a new job opportunity I fell off the face of the earth again. I apologize and promise to do better!

In the meantime, here's a funny from school today. I was talking about Summy and Jack and one of my fourth grade boys looked at me and said "YOU have kids?!? I thought you were a teenager!"

A girl can dream!

Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Happy 4th Birthday

The boys had a wonderful birthday, and they had a great party. They got lots of awesome stuff, but most amazingly of all, they turned into little boys overnight.

I completely forgot to post pictures, but I had to share these two. The evening of their birthday I made cupcakes and they each blew out a candle and we all sang. Jack sang for Summy, and Summy sang for Jack. It was so sweet!