I am so sorry it has been so long since I last updated! Not only that, I have pictures from December to take off the camera! I'll be updating with lots of pics over the next week or two!
The last two days we had the day off from school. We had quite a bit of ice, high winds, and then snow. The wind chills are supposed to hit -15 overnight and two area schools are already closed, so the verdict is out for tomorrow. We've been holed up inside for the last 48 hours!
Here's some pictures from today. We made cookies, and while Jack was a big help, Summy just wanted to eat! Our highlight of the day came when the boys rode their see saw down the full flight of stairs. Gone are the days of my kids being "afraid!" (Although somehow Summy tricked Jack into riding, he did the pushing!)
what sweet faces! the boys seem to have gotten so much longer and more grown up..would it be to rude to ask you how much they weigh and how tall they are now? just curious, if you do not mind..my twin boys have mirrored your boys for such a long time and we are still so so so skinny, as in 22-23lb at almost 30 months (35-35.5 inches)- so i am just simply wondering....:)
I don't mind answering at all!
Right now we believe Jack weighs around 29 lbs. We think Summy weighs 33 or 34. I have no idea on height, but their 4 year appointment is in a few weeks, so I'll post when we get measurements...
Your weights are pretty much right on for that time frame. Mine might have actually weighed less.
Summy's been gaining more now that we have the whole poo thing under control!
thank you! i'd be curious to see and i hope that the appointment is going to go great! my boys still cry when they get measured...
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