Thursday, August 20, 2009


Today is my three year blogaversary! It is so hard to believe I started this blog 3 years ago to chronicle the journey of pregnancy after infertility. Ironically enough, I named it The Adventures of Taderbaby because I thought we were only having one. Little did I know what was in store for me!

Over the years, this blog has evolved. At first, it was to document pregnancy milestones. Then, when the pregnancy and delivery got rough, we updated family and friends about the boys' NICU stay through the blog. As they have gotten older, this blog has been my outlet to share pictures, thoughts on preemies and motherhood, my twins' diganosis and treatment for sensory processing disorder and other developmental delays, and the joys of raising my two boys and growing as a woman and a writer. I never envisioned that this place would become such an outlet for me, and allow me to meet so many wonderful people.

As I look forward, I hope that the next year of blogging brings even more joy, and even more ability to share the heartache. I hope I meet even more wonderful people and others can benefit from what I have to say.

So, dear "internets," (as my friend Julie says) I ask one thing on this blogaversary. What is your favorite post so far to date? I plan to revamp the blog layout, and with your help, I'd like to highlight the most informative, funny, and thought provoking posts I have written to date. (If there are any, ha!)

Thanks for reading. Thanks for sharing. Thanks for supporting. It's been a great 3 years, here's to many many more!


Annie said...

All posts that talked about your family (husband, kids and you). Because that's the reason for the blog, I think and is good to know more of you.

Anonymous said...

Happy blogaversary!!!! I've enjoyed staying caught up with you!

Allison said...

There are too many to count :) I just wanted to wish you a happy blogaversary!!!

Alana said...

Happy (belated) blogaversary! :)