Hi, I don't know if I have ever commented but I follow your blog occassionally and wanted to finally introduce myself. Some cousins of mine who have twins that have the same type of sensory issues your boys have. I never really understood it before but thanks to your blog I have learned a lot. I have twin boys and just so you know...I had what people would say an easy twin pregnancy and delivery but I would not call it the best day of my life. You are so loopy afterwards with the drugs and overwhelmed and then I threw up for 3 days straight unable to eat. I don't know how anyone could say it was the best day it is so hard....maybe the first time they smiled. :-)
When I started this blog, I originally thought it was going to be a taderbaby...we chose the nickname after the delicious spuds served at Young's Jersey Dairy...but quickly found out it was tader tots! At 28 weeks gestation my placenta started abrupting and I was briefly hospitalized, then put on strict bedrest. At 31w 4d I was let up for an hour a day. At 32w on the dot, I was re-admitted for bleeding and began a four day fight to stop labor which I lost on 2.15.07 when Jack's placenta abrupted fully. If I hadn't been at the hospital, we wouldn't have made it. Upon birth, Jack's apgar was 3. The boys spent 4 weeks in NICU and this is their story, and mine.
Could you add my link to the Blog Roll? Following HIM :)
Also-random question...what are you dreading most about school starting?
Hi, I don't know if I have ever commented but I follow your blog occassionally and wanted to finally introduce myself. Some cousins of mine who have twins that have the same type of sensory issues your boys have. I never really understood it before but thanks to your blog I have learned a lot. I have twin boys and just so you know...I had what people would say an easy twin pregnancy and delivery but I would not call it the best day of my life. You are so loopy afterwards with the drugs and overwhelmed and then I threw up for 3 days straight unable to eat. I don't know how anyone could say it was the best day it is so hard....maybe the first time they smiled. :-)
Hey, hope your having a wonderful weekend.
Would you like to add my embroidery blog to your blogroll, thanks.
Here is the link:
You know I follow!
done girls!
Hi! I've been following too - love your blog. can you add my blog - http://themooressix.blogspot.com?
Thanks! wendy
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