Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Livin' the groupon life

In a way that is not normally like him, my husband got a grand idea that he wanted to meetup with Josh from Groupon is a new website that lets you get a daily coupon for your local city. Pretty awesome.

So after a little wait, we met Josh and his friend at Q2 bistro. The food was delicious and the company even better. It was amazing to hear about Josh's experiences moving from city to city and living off the kindness of strangers. Although he's only at the beginning, (I believe day 10,) what he's doing is really travel the us and meet so many people...awesome! David brought him razors, and the owner of the restaurant gave him a poncho.

Strangely, it was my initial fears that made me unsure if we should go. We ended up having a great time. (Short of the boys being crazy hot messes...the dinner was a little too long for them!) Keep your eyes peeled and I'll update when he posts about his Columbus stop!

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