So at the ENT he confirmed our fear: while the ear infection did clear up, there's a ton of fluid on the ear drum again and his hearing has been compromised in his right ear. (insert my husband's joke here: "what did you say?")
So we go back February 11th and if the fluid is still there, Jack will not only have surgery to have ear tube set #2 placed, he will also have his adenoids out.
I am not stoked at all, but the idea of hearing loss isn't a grand one either. I'll let you know what we find out.

Lots of luck to Jack. I hope his ears clear up without him needing surgery.
Poor Jack! Hope his ears heal soon!
Hi, here from Crem de la Crem. I was originally drawn to the name of the post bc I thought you woldn't get to experience pgcy and birth like me either, that experience society likes to neatly tie up with a bow ala A Baby Story. Now I see that you actually did give birth, although very traumatically.....We all have difficult crap...thank you for writing that. (I'll also be on C de C once Mel gets through her que!)
Poor Jack. Hope he recovers soon.
Have a nice week.
Oh, I hope his ear infection can clear up without the need for the surgery.
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