Sunday, June 24, 2007

Bittersweet visit

Yesterday we spent the day in Dayton visitng D's mom and dad and his Mamaw. Recently, we found out she had 2 tumors in her brain. This morning she underwent surgery which was a success and the surgeon feels he got all the tumors, but we wait to see how she'll be when she wakes up. They were cancerous, so they went ahead and gave her some chemo already. Yesterday was sad and happy. It was wonderful to visit with Mamaw and D's family, and seeing Mamaw with the boys was wonderful. However, on the way home, we both cried when we talked about it. It seems like this has been a hard year, and it's not often I think in depth about mortality, but neither of us wanted to leave when it came right down to it.

I'll keep you update as to how everything's going. I took lots of pictures as well and will post some.

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