Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!

The boys went as Phineas and Ferb this year, complete with a stuffed Perry, and David was Dr. Doofenschmirtz while I was Candace. While I worried about making a "Phineas and Ferb Costume" per se, and my attempt at sewing satin made me realize I have no hope on project runway, it all turned out well in the end!

Happy Halloween everyone!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

swing, swing, swing!

I am totally backlogged on pictures, and I apologize for that. However, I'd like to post pictures of our swing mounts/swings. We paid 75.00 for parts and labor to have the swing mounts installed in the ceiling. (which I think is a total deal!) He used lag bolts into the support beams, and the swings can easily hold both children, each of us, or our entire family!

The last pictures are, of course, the boys having a blast in/on the swings. We have used them almost daily since the mounts were installed. They will especially come in handy in the winter.

Finally, we feel so blessed that our county board of developmental disabilities is one of the best in the U.S. When they called and asked us if the boys could come up on stage and "cut the ribbon" and dedicate their new facility, we were beyond thrilled. I can't wait to go tomorrow and tour their new building, and I'll take lots of pictures!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

lots going on!

I have so much to update you on: therapeutic horseback riding, pumpkin picking x2, so much...

but until then, this week has been full of ups and downs. I celebrated my 32nd birthday on Thursday, and we had the swing mounts officially installed in our house. Now the boys can swing to their heart's content! I can't wait to post pictures...we hired an amazing carpenter and he did beautiful work. Wheat made me so sad: instead of ordering the roping and carabiners from a famous name special needs catalog, we went to our local climbing store to see what they had. What we found: what we would have paid over 500.00 for in the catalog cost us 33.00. It makes me sick how people can take advantage of kids with special needs.

Summy's had an up and down week with his behavior. Both boys have been having sleep trouble. I am hoping that we have a better go at next week! We're making an appointment for Jack for what might be ear tube surgery number 3. His second set has worked their way out and we are finding hearing issues again. I'll keep you updated.

Hope everyone out there in blogland had a wonderful weekend!

Friday, October 01, 2010

laugh out loud

I'm sorry, but this made my day today. I had to go to urgent care, and Jack went in to use the bathroom. On the door were two signs: a no smoking sign, and this one. (My kids have been obsessed lately with the "no" signs.) Jack pointed to the first one and said: "Look mommy! No smoking!" Then, and only in a music teacher's house would your kids say this, he pointed to this sign and said:

"Look mommy! No trombones!"