We went and the building was amazing. They had a sensory gym (the boys were over the moon to see it) that had been donated by the Columbus Blue Jackets. My mind immediately began questioning if something similar could be done in our county's BDD building, but I digress. (The seed is planted, and I plan to contact them...)
They had a blast playing in the room. (Complete with tons of swings, OT equipment, a ball pit, adaptive bikes, slides, and even a mini locker room with bluejackets equipment!) I'll post pics of all that tomorrow.
We had an appointment with Santa, so the boys went in and although Jack wasn't keen on sitting on his lap at first, (remember last year's incident?) he eventually warmed up, and although we didn't get a smile at first, Santa did later get some hugs. After briefly sitting on his lap, they played in the room while Santa talked to them. (The people there wanted them to get a chance to get comfortable without rushing them, particularly Jack.) The boys then both went back and gave a hug.
Summy asked for an "Iron Man toy" and Jack asked for a "Choo Choo Train toy."
They played some more, and on the way home in the car, Jack told me "that was a special Santa, a quiet Santa!"
All of the volunteers and workers were amazing! I cried when we were leaving the room with Santa...it was such a better experience than we had ever had. I am so thankful we got a chance to take part in it!

Special thanks to Ryan Glaze Photography for the pictures!

What an awesome program! I'm glad the boys had such a positive experience.
This post made me so happy. I love that there are organizations out there that make these kinds of things possible. SOO glad the boys enjoyed it.
I am over the moon excited for you! I got little chills and goose bumps reading about it. I'm so glad your boys could go.
Awww...thanks everyone!
@Busted - I was excited to see you comment! I couldn't be happier for you two...congrats!
Beautiful pictures! I'm so glad your boys got to enjoy something so magical in a kid's life.
I also have goose bumps seeing these pics. SO happy for you all!
How absolutely wonderful. So glad they did something like this for the kids!
I have the biggest goosebumps and tears are forming in my eyes. What an amazing program. That Santa truly is Santa.
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