Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Preemie Woes

I decided, just for fun...you know, like the fun of causing yourself high anxiety...to throw Jack on the scale the other night. Granted, he wouldn't sit still so it was hard to tell, but it appeared to me that he did not yet weight 19 pounds. I've prided myself on being very low key about his weight gain in recent time, (see old posts to understand our weight gain issues, particularly months 6-8) and now I am starting to feel old mister worry creeping back in to the pit of my stomach. We go for a growth (read:weight) followup at the pediatrician the day after Thanksgiving. I am worried, I won't lie.

Also, we have been struggling with the boys physical therapist. After much deliberation, we have decided to ask she be removed from our case and we be reassigned. I feel terribly because I can't tell if it is miscommunication, or misunderstanding, or what. But I can tell you that yesterday was only the second time she had been out for a visit since the boys started daycare on August 20th. And that, my friends, is not enough. Especially considering the concern we have had over late walking and balance issues...

Ah, the joys of preemiedom! Sometimes I feel bad because I wonder if my kids aren't the only ones who haven't totally "caught up."


Liz said...

oy! you touched on some issues I have as well. I'm also worried that my two haven't "caught up." Esp. when I see other preemies who are caught up. Speech is my main concern at the moment--we have none other than babble. My daughter's size is a concern for me too. The dr.'s haven't said anything yet but when I say her age and people look at her in disbelief that she can't be 17 months old, it bothers me. Although there was nothing I did wrong, I still have guilt for not being able to keep them cooking and now they face these hurdles because of me. Being a preemie mom is hard. I know!! Sorry so long! :)

Rachael Schirano \\ Rachael Schirano Photography said...

i am so sorry that you had to request a new p/t - hopefully he/she will be a perfect fit! my 3 are still pretty small too, in fact i don't think they are even on the growth charts for their actual ages yet. i know the girls aren't even close - james may be in the 5th percentile. catching up by age 2 seems impossible. but, i take comfort in knowing that they are progressing, even if in some areas it is not quite as fast as i would like to see!

Elyse said...

I am so sorry that you are having preemie woes. I know things are frustrating too. But I do know that therapy just two times since 8/20 is not enough!
Hang in there and I hope you get a great and new PT!!!

Sarah Dee said...

Don't feel bad about the new PT thing. You need to look out for your boys. You are a wonderful mom.

Anonymous said...


My friend who has twins (boy, girl) works with a physical therapist for her son. If you want me to put you in touch with her I can get you that info.

Thinking about and praying for the boys always!

debi9kids said...

I know exactly how you feel. My twins turned 25 motnhs old today and both are only 22lbs. One of mine just learned to walk last week and he barely says more than 5 words. It's very frustrating.

sorry about the therapist. i have to say thought that you are probably better off. Any time you are uncertain about the quality of care, make sure you say something. I'm glad you did and hope you get someone more compatable with your family.


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